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Links to a Selection of Articles & Comments

by David Howell

The House

Pathway to UK net-zero: a gargantuan task

House Magazine

David Howell - July 10th energy piece in House Magazine- The gigantic net zero task -possible but vastly expensive

The Article

UK investment: the key to Starmer’s ambitions

The Article

The State: ever bigger, ever weaker

SMRs. Why so long? Why so slow?

The Article

How not to go nuclear: Hinckley & Sizewell


The Sizewell Error
Looking for ways of wasting public funds?

The Article

Disruption, disorder and progress


The need for roots, balance and a new Enlightenment

The Article

The need for roots, balance — and a new Enlightenment

The Article

Why Net Zero is a commendable national aim, but contributes little to curbing climate violence

The Article

Why the Commonwealth is back

The Article

Democratic capitalism: a Tory rescue plan

The Article

Who will pay for the great energy transition?

The Article

The face of the future: the Commonwealth

Coronation & Commonwealth

The Article

Sizewell: In nuclear power, small is beautiful

The Article

Putin’s conjuring trick: Russia, Britain and the Commonwealth

Daily Telegraph

Daily Telegraph- Kishida's visit to London signals a golden era of cooperation between Britain and Japan_13.01.23-Lord Howell & & Jonathan Mclory

The Japan Times

U.K.-Japan relations grow stronger amid these trying times_ Japan Times_ 29.12.22

DH comments on yet another half-informed and unbalanced column in today’s FT. This distorted picture, persistently repeated by FT columnists and poorly challenged by a not-very-articulate Government, is doing serious harm to sensible debate and policy formation.

House of Lords

Behind all the Strikes

House of Lords

Nuclear weapons, China and Ukraine

The House

Lord Howell reviews 'Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America'

The Japan Times

Is this the end of Trump and Trumpism?

Foreign Affairs Committee

Updating the Integrated Review of UK Foreign and Defence Policy;
Lord Howell of Guildford’s published submission to the Foreign Affairs Cttee Review, 14.11.22

Foreigh Affairs Committee

Lord Howell of Guildford’s published submission to the Foreign Affairs Cttee Review, 14 November 2022

The Japan Times

The dilemmas and delusions of Britain's political and economic predicaments

The Telegraph

Thatcher’s energy plan was derailed – now we are paying a gigantic price

The Japan Times

The fate of the Commonwealth after Queen Elizabeth’s death

The Japan Times

Why the Ukraine outcome is central to all our futures

The House magazine

Tax cuts alone won’t stop civil protest over rising energy bills

The Article

The-neo-non-aligned-nations: are they our friends in need?

The Japan Times

An economic lesson from Japan

The Sunday Times

Response to Sunday Times article claiming to ‘explain’ high energy bills 31.07.22

The Japan Times

Escaping a confusing global energy maze

The Japan Times

Escaping a confusing global energy maze

The House

Putin’s brutal war has left almost no nation or corner of humanity untouched

The Japan Times

A global inflation problem like no other — and what can be done about it

The Japan Times

Weighing the cost of short-term expedients against long-term necessities

The Japan Times

Weighing the cost of short-term expedients against long-term necessities

The Japan Times

Weighing the cost of short-term expedients against long-term necessities

The Japan Times

Weighing the cost of short-term expedients against long-term necessities

Financial Times

Financial Times – Comment – 07.04.22

the Japan Times

Amid global energy chaos, uncertainties grow

The Article

A brief history of the energy crisis: chaos, trial and much error

The Japan Times

The solution to the Ukraine crisis lies in Asia

The Japan Times

As tensions over the Ukraine worsen, is the West on the wrong track?

The Japan Times

As tensions over the Ukraine worsen, is the West on the wrong track?

The Japan Times

As tensions over the Ukraine worsen, is the West on the wrong track?

The Japan Times

As tensions over the Ukraine worsen, is the West on the wrong track?

The Japan Times

China vs. The British Commonwealth

The House Magazine

War with Ukraine will not benefit Russia one iota- whatever the outcome

The Japan Times

Fixing Europe’s migrant predicament requires a new approach

The Japan Times

The submarine row that is sinking diplomatic relations

The Japan Times

Now will both London and Washington listen?

The Japan Times

A nuclear crisis foreseen and predicted

The Japan Times

The Changing battlefield and winning future conflicts

Asked to name which leading figures in politics and the media have grasped the new age reality, see my answers -link below

The Sunday ti

An inconvenient Truth: fossil fuels are not going

Read Article

The Sunday Times

Comment on Article by Matthew Syed

Comment on article by Dominic LawsonLawson

Comment as FT writers grapple with Joe Biden & America's real - & fast shifting - mood:

The Japan Times

Clean Energy: Oil and Carbon at Loggerheads

The Article

Time to box clever with China


The Commonwealth Meets Tomorrow

The House Magazine

'Scottish Nation's Place in the world'

The Japan Times

New Zealand: Weak Link or Clever Player?

The Japan Times

New Zealand: A weak link or Clever player?

The Japan Times

Has New Zealand fallen under Chinese influebce?

The Japan Times

Smaller armies and better defenses in a new worl

Scotland and England - a better union - an Essay in Realism

The Japan Times

Time for realism in the climate battle

The Japan Times

It's time to replace the outmoded G7

The Japan Times

How could the storming of the U.S
Capitol have even occurred?

The Article

The new anarchy is digital — and we could see it coming 20 years ago’

The Japan Times

What sovereignty means today

The Japan Times

Going the last mile — Brexit myths and truths

The Japan Times

Overcoming the gulf states' oil curse

The Japan Times

Overcoming the Curse of Oil

The Article

But is it democracy - A new language of politics for a new generation

The Japan Times

Updating Democracy’

The Japan Times

A miserable 21st century-Poor America

The Japan Times

Poor America

Nine wrong ideas threatening the Modern World

The Japan Times

Why Five Eyes should now become six

The Japan Times

The Tribe that Lost its Head

The Japan Times

Is the world going softer or just wiser

The Japan Times

Back to too much oil

The Japan Times

Are the Keynesians back

The Japan Times

Public Health and Political Dogma

The Japan Times

Brexit-The Endgame Approaches

The Japan Times

In search of level playing fields

The Japan Times

Genuine fears and false alarms in Britain

The Japan Times

A New Parliament Will Decide

The Japan Times

Beautiful harmony in an angry world

The Japan Times

So now what will happen

The Japan Times

Technocracy replaces Philosophy

The Japan Times

Is it all change for the auto makers

The Japan Times

Safeguarding democracy

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